Globaler Norden, Globaler Süden, Globale Abhängigkeiten

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Global South

The term global south describes a part of the world that is politically and economically disadvantaged on a global stage. The distinction refers to parts of the world that were formerly colonized in addition to parts of the world that have been and partly still are subject to exploitation by other countries. In total, it mainly includes countries from the continents of Latin America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia. The term was created to avoid hierarchisation and eurocentrism and reflects that it is only partly geographical, but also refers to a global position.

source: Glossary | BLACK ACADEMY (

Global North:

The term global north is the pendant to the term global south. It refers to the parts of the world that were formerly the colonizers and are still in a politically and economically advantaged position.

source: Glossary | BLACK ACADEMY (

Global interdependencies

Global interdependence refers to worldwide mutual dependence between countries. In other words, mutual dependence at a worldwide level. One nation depends on another for something. That country also depends on another for either the same thing or something else. As more countries depend on other nations for things, especially key things like energy and food, global interdependence evolves. Global interdependence is largely the result of international trade, i.e., the importing and exporting of products and services. In fact, countries today cannot survive for long without each others’ imports and exports.

source: Glossary | BLACK ACADEMY (

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